Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Having fun, turning one!

Ready to party

Texting her peeps with Aunt Jenny

Waiting for everyone to arrive


Uncle T

Lola's not afraid to get into some cupcakes

Alicia, Leah and Tina

Opening presents

Such great form!

Girl band in the making

Testing out her new wagon from Grandpa and Grandma


Lola will have her nap in here, thank you very much.

Crystal and her Mama


Evan a.k.a. the sippy cup and jewelry bandit!

The usual suspects

Baby Amy!

More band action

Pooped out!

The next day at the Long Beach Aquarium

Ready to see some fish!

Petting stingrays

Where'd that seal go?

Chilling at the harbor


annieb said...

I canNOT believe this little cutie is 1-year old. She is so adorable! And the girl band is the best--I'm a fan already! xo

689th LMS, Osinski said...

I'm sorry I missed my nieces birthday. Luckily, there are plenty in a lifetime so I'm sure to make a few. = )